Last Updated: Oct. 2022.
An up to date list of all publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile.
S. Santurkar, Y. Dubois, R. Taori, P. Liang, T. Hashimoto
ArxivTLDR: Our work performs a systematic investigation into whether additional language supervision (in CLIP) helps models learn more transferrable representations.
NLP, Representation Learning, Self-Supervised Learning, VisionN. Miao, E. Mathieu, Y. Dubois, T. Rainforth, Y. W. Teh, A. Foster, H. Kim
ArxivTLDR: We introduce a method for automatically learning input-specific augmentations from data.
Invariance, VisionY. Dubois, T. Hashimoto, S. Ermon, P. Liang
NeurIPS 2022TLDR: We characterize idealized self-supervised representations, which leads to actionable insights for improving SSL algorithms.
Selected Papers Invariance, Representation Learning, Self-Supervised Learning, VisionY Ruan*, Y. Dubois*, C. J. Maddison
ICLR 2021TLDR: We give a simple variational objective whose optima are exactly the set of representations that are robust under covariate shift.
Selected Papers Information Theory, Invariance, Representation Learning, Robustness, Self-Supervised Learning, Vision2021
Y. Dubois, B. Bloem-Reddy, K. Ullrich, C. J. Maddison
NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight Presentation 🎉TLDR: We formalize compression with respect to ML algorithms rather than human perception.
Selected Papers Compression, Information Theory, Invariance, Representation Learning, Self-Supervised Learning, Vision2020
Y. Dubois, D. Kiela, D. J. Schwab, R. Vedantam
NeurIPS 2020 Spotlight Presentation 🎉TLDR: We characterize and approximate optimal representations for supervised learning.
Selected Papers Generalization, Information Theory, Representation Learning, VisionA. Y. K. Foong*, W. P. Bruinsma*, J. Gordon*, Y. Dubois, J. Requeima, R. E. Turner
NeurIPS 2020TLDR: We propose a translation equivariant (latent) neural process.
Equivariance, Extrapolation, Meta Learning, Time Series, Uncertainty, VisionJ. Gordon*, W. P. Bruinsma*, A. Y. K. Foong, J. Requeima,Y. Dubois, R. E. Turner
ICLR 2020 Oral Presentation 🎉TLDR: We propose a translation equivariant conditional neural process.
Equivariance, Extrapolation, Meta Learning, Time Series, Uncertainty, VisionY. Dubois, Gautier Dagan, Dieuwke Hupkes, Elia Bruni
ACL 2020TLDR: We propose an attention that improves extrapolation capacity of neural NLP models.
Extrapolation, NLP, Robustness